Board Of Directors

Mr Lee Gee Aik
Board Chairman, Independent Director

Mr Lee Gee Aik is the Board Chairman of CHO. He was appointed as the Independent Director on 1 February 2024. He is also the Chairman of Nominating Committee and a member of the Audit & Risk Management Committee. Mr Lee was last re-elected as Director on 22 April 2024.

Mr Lee is currently the CFO of AlphaRock Family Office Pte Ltd., a multi-family office with a capital market services licence and a director of AlphaRock Signet VCC.

Mr Lee is an accountant with many years of experience in public accounting, finance and taxation having previously worked with both KPMG Singapore and USA and as a practising public accountant in Singapore. He also has had hospitality industry experience with a leading chain of hotels in Asia. Mr Lee qualified as a Chartered Certified Accountant with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, United Kingdom. He also obtained a Master of Business Administration from Henley Management College, United Kingdom. He is currently a Fellow with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, United Kingdom and the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.

He presently also serves as an independent director on the board of  Uni-Asia Group Limited and SHS Holdings Limited, and a non-independent non-executive director of Astaka Holdings Limited.

Dr Benety Chang
CEO and Executive Director

Dr Benety Chang is an Executive Director and CEO of CHO. He was appointed as Non-Executive Director on 27 August 2018 and subsequently re-designated to Executive Director and CEO on 1 September 2018. He was also appointed as Nominating Committee member on 8 October 2018. Dr Chang was last re- elected as Director on 22 April 2024.

Dr Chang is an Executive Director of Baker Technology Limited (“Baker Tech”), which is the ultimate holding company of CHO.

Baker Tech is a SGX Mainboard-listed company that provides specialised marine offshore equipment and services, focusing mainly on the offshore oil and gas industry.

Dr Chang has extensive experience in the offshore oil and gas industry and was the major founding shareholder and CEO of PPL Shipyard Pte Ltd until his resignation in July 2012.

Dr Chang holds a MBBS degree from the University of Singapore

Mr Tham Chee Soon
Independent Director

Mr Tham Chee Soon was appointed as Independent Director on 13 July 2023. His is also the Chairman of the Audit & Risk Management Committee and a member of Remuneration Committee. Mr Tham was last re-elected as Director on 22 April 2024.

Mr Tham is currently the Founder/Director of iCFO Advisors Pte. Ltd. and Director & CFO of RF Acquisition II. He spent 31 years at Ernst & Young before taking early retirement as an Audit Partner of Ernst & Young, Singapore in June 2018.

Mr Tham is also an Independent Director of Tokio Marine Insurance Singapore Ltd and VinFast Auto Ltd (listed on NASDAQ) as well as the Audit Committee Chairman of Singapore Island Country Club. He also serves on the board of Bone Marrow Donor Programme. Further, He is a Director and CFO of RF Acquisition Corp II, a special-purpose acquisition company listed on NASDAQ.

Mr Ahmad Nizam Bin Abbas is an Independent Director of CHO. He was appointed to this position on 14 May 2021. He is the Chairman of Remuneration Committee and a member of Nominating Committee. Mr Nizam was last re-elected as Director on 22 April 2022. Mr Nizam is due to retire by rotation at the forthcoming AGM and will be seeking re-election as Director at the AGM.

Mr Nizam is currently Managing Director of Crescent Law Chambers LLC. Prior to setting up his own law firm in 2022, Mr Nizam practised law for over 27 years at various law firms including K&L Gates Straits Law LLC.

Mr Nizam is a member of the Panel of Advisors, Youth Court ; Maintenance of Parents’ Tribunal, Singapore; Institutional Discipline Advisory Committee; Citizenship Committee of Inquiry, Singapore and Mandatory Aftercare Advisory Committee, Singapore. He is also currently a District Councillor with Central Singapore Community Development Council.

Mr Nizam was a Director of MediaCorp Pte. Ltd. and Era Dance Theatre Limited. He has sat on the Boards of diverse organisations including statutory boards the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and MUIS (Islamic Religious Council of Singapore).

Mr Nizam holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Law and English from University of Keele, United Kingdom, a Master of Laws from the Singapore Management University and is an Advocate and Solicitor of the Singapore Supreme Court.

Mr Thia Peng Heok George
Non-Executive Non-Independent Director

Mr Thia Peng Heok George was appointed as Independent Director on 30 March 2015 and re-designated to Non-Executive Non-Independent Director immediately after the conclusion of Annual General Meeting held on 22 April 2024. He is also a member of the Audit & Risk Management Committee.

Mr Thia was last re-elected as Director on 21 April 2023

Mr Thia is a Chartered Accountant (Singapore) and practised as an accountant with Cooper Brothers and Co. (now known as PricewaterhouseCoopers). He has more than 35 years’ experience in merchant banking and financial services including being Managing Director at Morgan Grenfell, Merrill Lynch International, Sun Hung Kai Securities and Lum Chang Securities. He was also an Executive Director and Partner of Kay Hian (now UOB Kay Hian Securities).

Mr Thia was the Executive Chairman of two publicly listed companies and had served as an Independent Director and the Chairman of Audit Committees of several listed companies in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. He was a consultant to the SGX on the training of regulation officers and rendered advice on the development and launch of the alternative board, SGX Catalist. Mr Thia is currently an Independent Director of Yoma Strategic Holdings Limited, and is involved as a board member and trustee at the National Cancer Centre, Singapore.

Mr Thia is also a Business Consultant for Mergers and Acquisitions at GAAB Private Limited and Asianic Private Limited and an advisor to a private equity fund focusing on healthcare, eldercare and education.

Ms Jeanette Chang
Non-Executive Non-Independent Director

Ms Jeanette Chang is a Non-Executive Non-Independent Director of CHO. She was appointed to this position on 27 August 2018. Ms Chang was last re-elected as Director on 22 April 2024. Ms Chang is also a member of Remuneration Committee.

Ms Chang is the CEO and Executive Director of Baker Tech. Ms Chang has an engineering and finance background having previously worked with Mott MacDonald Group in London on UK and Singapore engineering projects and prior to joining Baker Tech, was a Director in the Equity Capital Markets team at Barclays Bank PLC where she worked for nine years. She has significant experience in corporate finance especially in relation to fund raising in the capital markets.

Ms Chang holds a Master in Engineering First Class (Civil Engineering) degree from Imperial College London and a Master of Business Administration with Distinction from London Business School.

Mr Tan Kiang Kherng
Non-Executive Non-Independent Director

Mr Tan Kiang Kherng is a Non-Executive Non-Independent Director of CHO. He was appointed to this position on 27 August 2018.

Mr Tan was last re-elected as Director on 21 April 2023

Mr Tan is the Chief Financial Officer of Baker Tech, which is the ultimate holding company of CHO. Prior to joining Baker Tech, Mr Tan was a Senior Audit Manager with Ernst and Young, Singapore.

Mr Tan holds a Bachelor of Accountancy (Honours) degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and is a member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants