Corporate Governance

CH Offshore Ltd. (“CHO” or “the Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group”) recognise the importance of, and is committed to, maintaining high standards of corporate governance to ensure greater transparency and maximise long-term shareholder value.

As the Company’s shares are listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”), the Company seeks to comply with the listing rules of the SGX-ST as prescribed in the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST (“Listing Rules”) and is guided in its corporate governance practices by the revised Code of Corporate Governance issued in 2018 (“Code”).

The Board of Directors (“Board”) is pleased to outline the main corporate governance framework and practices of the Company in this report, with specific reference made to each of the principles and provisions as set out in the Code. This report describes the Company’s corporate governance practices that were in place throughout the financial year ended 31 December 2023 (“FY2023”). Where there were variations in the Company’s corporate governance practices from the provisions as set out in the Code (“Provisions”), explanations as to how the Company’s practices were consistent with the intent of the Principle in question is provided in the relevant paragraph of this report. The Company reviews its practices on ongoing basis, as and when required.

To read more about our corporate governance, please click here